TRY-Fecta Open House on Thursday April 18

Join Carree Walker (lower left) founder of New Beauty, for an unforgettable open house experience on April 18 from 2 to 7 p.m.
If you’re curious about the innovative skin rejuvenation and lifting technologies available to help you look and feel your best, an April 18 open house at one of Surrey’s leading day spas offers the chance to ask questions and see the technology at work.
From 2 to 7 p.m., Surrey’s New Beauty clinic invites you to view CoolSculpting, EMFACE and Ultherapy, live and in-person, at their TRY-Fecta Open House.
“We want those curious about our services to have a unique opportunity to visit New Beauty, ask us about the technology, gain a better understanding of how each treatment works and even see the treatments carried out in real time, on live models,” says New Beauty’s founder Caree Walker.
New Beauty’s innovative services allow clients to enjoy the benefits of fat reduction, facial rejuvenation and lifting without traditional surgical methods. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat-reduction technique and a popular alternative to liposuction. Ultherapy is the gold standard in non-surgical facial lifting and skin tightening, offering a non-invasive, micro-surface ultrasound that targets the same deep-surgery layers that are targeted in a traditional facelift surgery. EMFACE is a sculpting technique that uses two types of energy – radio frequency and muscle contractions– to tighten both facial muscle and skin over a series of four to six treatments.
During the event, New Beauty is also offering special pricing on all three services.
“Our TRY-Fecta open house is the biggest event of the year and offers guests an opportunity for significant savings on all our services,” Ludwar says. “For every $2,000 spent, they’ll receive a $500 gift card towards future purchases. Services need to be purchased same-day at the event but can be booked over a year in advance – the more you spend, the more you save!”
Guests who visit all three stations during the open house will also have the opportunity to win New Beauty’s mega-giveaway and be entered to win a brow lift, EMFACE treatment and a CoolSculpting love handle treatment. Bring a friend and double your odds by being automatically entered a second time!
Join Caree and the New Beauty team, on April 18 from 2 to 7 p.m. at New Beauty in Surrey at 112-1656 Martin Dr., for live demos, special event pricing and a mega-giveaway! RSVP 604-541-875.
For more information visit and to register for New Beauty’s TRY-fecta Open House call 604-541-8750 or email Follow them on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates!