Delta woman shares dementia journey with her mom, husband to help support other caregivers

Linda Strobl cares for her husband, and previously cared for her mother, both of whom were diagnosed with dementia. The Alzheimer Society of B.C. is honouring Strobl at this year’s IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s in Delta on Sunday, May 26.
“Nobody that you love is replaceable. But that one person that you share your life with?” Linda Strobl’s words are punctuated by silence. It is emotional reflecting on nearly six decades with her husband, John, who has been living with dementia for eight years. It also stirs up memories of Linda’s mother, Linda’s first experience caring for someone living with dementia.
Following her mother’s death and John’s diagnosis of Lewy body dementia, Linda turned to the Alzheimer Society of B.C. for support and connected to nearby programs and services.
“I couldn’t have survived without the Society,” Linda says. “You feel free to share stuff that you would never tell anyone. We’re allowed to say what we feel without guilt. Because guilt and secrecy – they don’t help anyone.”
Linda is among the more than 50,000 caregivers in British Columbia who provide an estimated 1.3 million hours per week of unpaid caregiving support to people living with dementia. This May, people across the province will have the opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of people like Linda by raising funds for essential Alzheimer Society of B.C. programs and services.
Linda is being honoured at the Alzheimer Society of B.C.’s largest fundraiser, the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s, presented by Go Auto, in Delta for her contribution to the community and her desire to share her story to help other people affected by dementia. Taking place in communities across the province, including Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Surrey on Sunday, May 26, proceeds from the event help provide critical supports for people affected by dementia while breaking down stigma surrounding the disease.
Along with the friends they have made through the Alzheimer Society of B.C., Linda and John have a wonderful family they lean on for support, all of whom are just as eager as Linda to participate in the Walk. “When I was asked to do this, I made up my mind,“ Linda says. “No matter what, we’ll be at the Walk on May 26!”
To help make a difference in the lives of people like Linda on the dementia journey in your community, visit
If you are affected by dementia, the Alzheimer Society of B.C. can help. Call the First Link® Dementia Helpline at