Getting the most from your hearing aids today … and tomorrow

Your brand new hearing aids are tuned in and you’re hearing more clearly than you have for years. From the coffee room chatter to your favourite TV show, the dialogue is crisper, you’re easily joining in conversations again and even your grandkids’ good-nights are coming in loud and clear.

That’s all you need to do for your hearing, right? Not quite.

“Making the decision to get your hearing tested, and then find the hearing aids that offer the right support for your unique needs are important first steps, but they’re just the start of your hearing care journey,” explains Kim Galick, with Ears Hearing Clinic in Langley.

Like your eyesight, your hearing is evolving, meaning your care and hearing aids may need to evolve, too.

“Changes with our hearing can be subtle and continue to happen throughout our lives, meaning regular check-ups with your hearing care professional are essential,” Kim says. “I recommend checking in two to three times a year, so we can monitor any changes and adjust your hearing aids accordingly.”

And it’s not only your hearing that can change. Sometimes changes to your environment also require adjustments to your hearing aids. If you’ve been working from home and are now back among all the surrounding chatter at the office, fine-tuning may be required to adapt to the new setting, for example.

Maintenance is key to long-term success

Of course, your hearing aids are also an investment in your health and wellness, and proper care will ensure they continue providing the hearing support you need for years to come.

Keep your hearing aids clean, wiping them with a soft cloth or tissue at night, and watch for the build-up of ear wax that can come over time. And, as they’re small electronic devices, avoid moisture, Kim notes.

However at-home cleaning can only do so much. It’s also important to schedule routine appointments for a deeper clean every three to four months.

At this appointment, the Ears Hearing team can also assess your hearing aids to ensure they’re correctly tuned to meet your hearing needs today. In addition, be sure to share any changes in your hearing or hearing aid experience with your care professional, so you can continue enjoying all the sounds the world has to offer.

Hearing aids are the first step to renewing your ability to hear clearly again. Book your free hearing consultation with Kim Galick at Ears Hearing Clinic in Langley at 604-427-2828 or by email at Find Ears Hearing at Unit C 20568 56 Ave. in Langley, online at or follow them on Facebook.

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