Summer safety 101: Keep your cool all summer long

Registered Pharmacist Michelle Gray of Gray’s Compounding Pharmacy in Kimberley.
A long, hot summer is on its way and while many look forward to catching up on their Vitamin D, it's essential to take precautions to prevent sunburn, heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses.
“Staying hydrated is key,” notes Michelle Gray, pharmacist and owner of Gray's Compounding Pharmacy in Kimberley.
“During heat waves, adding electrolytes to your water is a good idea, but watch out for products with too much sugar,” Michelle suggests. “I recommend TRU Me Electrolytes and Metagenics Electro-Plus individual packets.
It's also important to take some additional steps during extreme heat events, including:
- Monitor your home’s temperature: If you don’t have air conditioning, find a way to keep track of indoor temperatures.
- Seek cool environments: Stay with friends or family, visit a municipal cooling shelter, or spend time in an air-conditioned place like a mall or library.
- Create a care network: Check in on neighbours and have them check in on you during heat emergencies.
- Stay hydrated: Drink more water, even if you’re not thirsty (unless you have a medical condition with fluid restrictions).
“It's important to remember that certain medications can impact your body's ability to cool itself, increase your body temperature and increase the risk of dehydration,” Michelle adds. Medications that cause low blood pressure can be worsened by hot temperatures. Never stop taking medications without consulting your doctor or pharmacist, but understand how your specific medications interact with your body, especially during a heat wave.”
Sun Safety
Beyond the heat, sun is also a key factor in summer safety.
“It’s important to practise sun safety every day, regardless of the weather or the activity you’re doing outside,” Michelle says. “Avoid peak hours when the UV index is highest, cover up with light-coloured clothing and a hat, and don’t forget the sunscreen!”
As a compounding pharmacy, Gray's creates custom, precise medications and treatments, including skin treatments and sun protection. “Compounded medications are the opposite of one-size-fits-all,” Michelle says.
- Choose your form: Not all medications have to be administered in pill form! Lotions can be very effective, and not just for skin treatments.
- Avoid allergic reactions: Compounding pharmacists can avoid additives, preservatives and ingredients that cause allergic reactions. Choose the medicine’s base to avoid adverse reactions or improve efficacy.
- Adjust dosage: Have your compounding pharmacist create a medication at the strength that meets your needs.
- Multiple active ingredients: Address various issues at once, or add cooling, numbing or other soothing properties for added comfort and convenience.
Visit Gray’s Compounding Pharmacy at 417B 304th St. on Highway 95 in Kimberley, Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Get in touch at 250-427-0038 or at Free shipping is available in the Kootenays for your compounds, along with free weekly delivery to Cranbrook and throughout Kimberley.